Rift of the Enderspawn: Defeating the Ender Dragon

Rift of the Enderspawn: Defeating the Ender Dragon

In the quaint village of Elderglen, where the houses nestled like shy hedgehogs amongst ancient, whispering trees, a crack fractured the sky one twilight. It was not a subtle phenomenon, like the fine lines upon old pottery; this was an ominous, gaping tear, a blackness rimmed with a violent violet that pulsed against the calm … Read more

The Floating Isles of Zephyr: A Quest for Stability

The Floating Isles of Zephyr: A Quest for Stability

In the world of floating islands, the Zephyr Mines knew neither sunrise nor sunset, only the perpetual haze of twilight that veiled its jagged, hovering contours. The miners called it home—a web of enclaves dangling beneath colossal rock formations laced with veins of skycrystal, their luminescence painting the miners’ faces with ghostly azure strokes. Below … Read more

The Bridge of Shadows

The Bridge of Shadows

In that haunted hour just before dawn, when the world seems dipped in the ink of old ghost stories, an odd collection of adventurers gathered by the shore of the Forgotten Sea. This peculiar body consisted of Cora, who could hear songs in the wind and had hair as wild as stormclouds; Bram, whose eyes … Read more