The Last Villager: Rebuilding Hope

The Last Villager: Rebuilding Hope

In the year of the Comet, under the eye of a waning crescent moon, Firnfolk burned. Scarlet embers danced like frenzied sprites across thatched roofs, and the air was thick, filled with the bitter taste of soot and despair. All that once thrummed with the hum of everyday magic now lay silent, save for the … Read more

The Silken Sanctuary: Quest for Magical Silk Armor

The Silken Sanctuary: Quest for Magical Silk Armor

In the shadow of the Everfold Mountains lay the remnants of an ancient forest, now known as the Widow’s Wood, a tangled grove where trees and time seemed to conspire, weaving legends in whispers. It was rumored that the boughs weren’t held aloft by wooden spines alone, but were also buttressed by webs of such … Read more