The Last Villager: Rebuilding Hope

The Last Villager: Rebuilding Hope

In the year of the Comet, under the eye of a waning crescent moon, Firnfolk burned. Scarlet embers danced like frenzied sprites across thatched roofs, and the air was thick, filled with the bitter taste of soot and despair. All that once thrummed with the hum of everyday magic now lay silent, save for the … Read more

Rift of the Enderspawn: Defeating the Ender Dragon

Rift of the Enderspawn: Defeating the Ender Dragon

In the quaint village of Elderglen, where the houses nestled like shy hedgehogs amongst ancient, whispering trees, a crack fractured the sky one twilight. It was not a subtle phenomenon, like the fine lines upon old pottery; this was an ominous, gaping tear, a blackness rimmed with a violent violet that pulsed against the calm … Read more

Harvest of the Hollow

Harvest of the Hollow

In the heart of the ancient Morlan Woods, where the trees whispered secrets older than time, there stood a legend as gnarled and weathered as the woods themselves – the Hollow. This extraordinary tree, sprawling wider than twelve men laid head to toe, was said to bear fruit only once a century. Not just any … Read more