Rift of the Enderspawn: Defeating the Ender Dragon

Rift of the Enderspawn: Defeating the Ender Dragon

In the quaint village of Elderglen, where the houses nestled like shy hedgehogs amongst ancient, whispering trees, a crack fractured the sky one twilight. It was not a subtle phenomenon, like the fine lines upon old pottery; this was an ominous, gaping tear, a blackness rimmed with a violent violet that pulsed against the calm … Read more

The Hermit’s Peak: Guardians of the Celestial Event

The Hermit's Peak: Guardians of the Celestial Event

On Hermit’s Peak, wrapped in a high mist that never quite seemed to clear, there lived an old man called Elian, though no voice save his own had spoken the name in many years. Swathed in robes the color of twilight, he had crafted his world from the iron heart of the mountain and the … Read more

Journey to the Infernal Abyss

Journey to the Infernal Abyss

Once upon a drear and shimmering twilight in the Nether, where the normal rules of nature crumbled into the ashes of absurdity, and the sky flowed with hues of crimson and ember, there came a monstrous sound. It was a thrumming, tectonic, metallic rhythm—the sound of an infernal train. Actuated neither by steam nor electricity, … Read more